«The waiting can kill you. You make a decision and then the world has to turn. The consequences unfold, out of your hands. There’s only one thing that seems clear in those quiet moments while you wait: whatever you chose was wrong. We just wanna survive the storm. We pray, ‘please God, just get me to the other side’. We never imagine what it will be like when we get there. What if, when the storm passes, nothing’s left? I always said I could handle anything. I was wrong. I was wrong about a lot of things. But I was right about one thing – I was right about this.»
Richard Webber – ‘I Want You With Me’ – (Season 10, Episode 2)
Aspettare. Qualche giorno, qualche settimana e intanto passano i mesi e ti sembra di aver sempre meno tra le mani: meno tempo, meno certezze, meno voglia di aspettare ancora.
Cerchi alternative e soluzioni, ma non dipendono solo da te.
Aspetti perchè non puoi fare altro. Perchè ti conviene e speri che questo tempo non mini la tua voglia di cambiare, perchè i pensieri negativi sono sempre li pronti a farti sentire le paure e le incertezze. Maledetti loro e maledetta attesa.